Monday, December 28, 2009

Maybe Baby I got a crush on you

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I whole heartedly agree

Saturday, December 19, 2009

It was really quite fitting now, wasn't it?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Late night cheesecake is for broken hearts

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Maybe the happy ending doesn't always lie in kissing-in-the-rain-roll-ending-credits-lets-grow-old-together kind of scene
Maybe the happy ending doesn't lie in his-and-hers towels or the world somehow becoming a perfect place
Maybe the happy ending is that we are okay, that we get up and face tommorow. That we know somewhere deep inside of us that we will learn to love again.
Maybe the happy ending is knowing that being who we are is good enough and that we can stand on our own two feet. Maybe its knowing that it's okay to be alone.

Maybe the happy ending lies within us all along

Monday, November 16, 2009

You say shes your up

But shes bringing you down

Don't be a push over

Shes messing you round

Saturday, November 14, 2009

It hurts

It heals

We cry

The tears dry

We break

We mend

We lose it

We find tommorow

And we ultimately move on into the next chapter of our lives. We close the door on that room, and only occasionaly peep through the window. We put away the pictures and take off the trinkets. We bandage the wounds until they heal.We meet new people and learn new things. We live to love another day.
We live our lives. Until its time to start all over again.

"You don't have to be perfect to belong in this place. You don't have to have all the answers or always know the right thing to say. You can climb the highest mountain if you want, or quietly imagine that you might someday. You can take chances or take safety nets, make miracles or mistakes. You don't have to be composed at all hours to be bold or certain to be brave. You don't have to have all the answers here or even know who you want to be....
Just take my hand
and rest your heart
and stay a while with me."

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sometimes I feel like the missing puzzle piece,

I cant wait for the day when you finally find me

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And they were the kids who always picked up the pieces,
The ones who I didn't feel bad for being honest with
The ones who had been there everytime I needed someone, and had never asked for anything in return. The ones who laughed with me and the ones who had cried with me. And now its time for change, I get it that you have to get on with your life, I'm happy for you, I honestly am. I just keep asking myself one question

What on earth am I going to do without you?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Bring back the boy band
It reminds me of when I was 8 and things were so simple that the only thing that annoyed me was my big sister mocking westlife in the front seat.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Last night, I walked away and I realised that even after all of this.

I still believe in happy endings.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I just wanted to bury my head in the sand.
So like a little girl I ran up those stairs, got lost in my covers, cuddled my teddy bear
And cried til I fell asleep.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I dont know why, but it bothers me.

It shouldn't

I know it shouldn't

but it continues to do so.
Oh boy, I'm in deeper than I thought.

Friday, October 23, 2009

You're pretty lame actually.

Time for a new stranger to crush on.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Silly silly lyds.

"you're a lovely girl, with a big mouth"

Note to self: It would pay to learn to shut up.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"We aren't strangers-but we aren't friends. We're just two people who knew each other once"

Thursday, October 8, 2009

To-do list

-make you fall in love with me

More realistic To-do list

-take the washing out
- give the dog a bath
-buy new socks

Thats a bit more like it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And I feel like taking off

Let me be your Supernova

Before you make the biggest mistake of your life

Just give me the chance to get it right

Monday, October 5, 2009

1 2 3 4
Tell me that you love me more

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Oneday I'll do that. Thats on the list.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Only 2 sleeps. and although its mostly lovely here

I can't wait to get out of this place

You girls are just wonderful

Love you x.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I can't wait for tommorow

I'm really happy.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ok, so saying this might be totally against girl-laws

But I didn't cry in the titanic, and I cried in Stuart Little.

Maybe its like hide and seek, and youre just super good at it.

Maybe your just one of those kids who hides in the most obvious places, because nobody thinks to check there.
ima go check.
You won't ever win with them.

Because truth is, you do it wrong and they'll talk bad about it. You do it right and they'll talk bad about it, because maybe you'll do it "too right". With people like that its impossible to win.

So you mayaswell stomp the expectations, run through all their no-go zones, and grin at their cynical attitudes.

Walk the way that you are with a smile on your face whilst following your heart.

They're all seriously average anyway.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Everybody has those days.
Those ones when you fall out of bed- you're running late again, trip over your bin and kick your foot out to save you, and you're on the floor asking yourself why you got up this morning. Those ones when you're running down the drive just to catch the bus with your shoes in one hand and your tie in the other, hair still wet. Then you get to school and you're already late, and the first thing you do is enter into an argument with the annoying guy in your class that questions everything. Those days when you're running from class to class and in the 'break' time you're trying to organise your life but not one person feels like cooperating today. That day when you're madly trying to finish an assesment in one hour and your teacher is yelling and you're almost in tears because you swear your head is about to explode. The ones where you get home and you eat waaaay too much, and then wonder why half an hour later because you feel very sick. And everything reminds you of the people that you miss and you feel so far apart and you wonder if the very reason you miss them is because spending time together would mean being honest and thats something you're too afraid to do, and you just feel like you're a million miles away from everyone else on your own crazy little planet. One of those days when not even westlife makes you feel better. So you cradle your head in your hands and you cry because thats one thing you can do.

Then in that very same moment you realise that not every day is one of those days.

And the tears stop because in all your self pity you realise what you do have.

If you have nothing else, you have tommorow. And if you have tommorow, it will be okay.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Psssst, want to know a secret?

Everybody's scared.

Monday, September 14, 2009

You know what, I really miss those days.

But we aren't who we used to be

and theres no looking back.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Even after all this time

the sun never says to the earth

"You owe me"

Look what happens to a love like that

It lights up the whole sky"
That love would have the power to change the world.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cool people are way average.

Cant you all just stop going places?
Im sick of being stuck right here.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I wish you were real. I also wish I could fly.

come on lyds, lets start being realistic.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"I was jumping over fences and gates with that one. I knew from the moment I met her it was all over"

Its real, Its not just something we read about or watch in movies. Its everywhere you go, and its deeper and more beautiful than ever. Its something that if its true, it lasts a lifetime, it did for you two, that kind of love is incredible.

Its inescapable. Have a little faith.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Today. We wandered aimlessly then decided to take the bus to our favourite store in the whole world. And then we made friends at the bus stop, who we'll probably never see again but know the details of their lives, like how the little girl has shoes with velcro that cross over. When on the bus, we discussed how plastic the seats are and how stupid males in general are. Then we got to our favourite store in the whole world, I fell a little in love with a necklace and then you recited to me the details of my bank account, it was brilliant. I bought it. We walked to the bus and then you grew frustrated with the bus, so angry in fact that you tried to call the helpline but there was no one there to help you. Then you left. It was sad but I was okay. Then I made friends with a nice old man who insisted that I walked on the bus before him and called me mam, it was darling.
I had a lovely day with you today Kelsey Jay. You are a blessing.
Love you Ladel Bagy

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Two nights ago, I left two and a half years of hurt, mixed up feelings, sleepless nights in tears and seemingly endless arguments behind me. I am beginning to find my wings,

Its never felt this good to be free.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Its easy to lose faith in people
Because people will always let you down.

You're wasting your precious beings on such empty things, and it hurts to see you do it.

But I've discovered that there's life beyond highschool, theres a big wide world outside your hometown. There are people that defy all the cliches. And at the end of the day it doesn't matter who threw the best party or which boy broke your teenage puppy love heart, Because all that will be there on your 8Oth birthday will be who you've loved and what you've made for yourself.
We ARE the products of our own decisions. Theres bigger dreams then next weekend, theres more pain then a boy who wouldn't look at you twice. Life life without regret, live life for an audience of one. Reputation will fall away, will be good or bad based on the way you act.
So act wisely

Speak honestly

And love endlessly.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dear Boy (Sorry, don't know your name yet)
I'm rather tired of waiting.
So please do, just hurry up
Sweep me off my feet
And kiss me in the rain,
A little bit like that.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

You have a cute smile.
And a cute face.
You are nice to talk to. And I think I rather like you.

Too bad I dont know your name
Too bad I'll probably never see you again.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So life isn't always so bad.

Things to love
Jesus. Incredible sisters and parents. Grace. Kelsey. Lauren. Growing a movement at school. Dancing in the street on the way with Ipod on and the guy in the van drives past and laughs. Nutella and Wine biscuits. Pictures from a long time ago. Old music. Crushing on cute boys who's names you dont know and knowing you probably wont remember them in about 20 seconds. Crushing on cute boys you do know and will probably always remember. Lipton peach iced tea. Missy. The echo. Crazy friends. Being reported to the police and your school for getting out of the car and dancing at traffic lights. Feeding the ducks with spinning tops. The eclipse guy. Cute shoes. Rain on the roof when in bed. Smiling at the cutest little kid of your life and having him genuinely smile back. Smiles from strangers. Just smiles in general. Quiet words of encouragement. The way that stupid little words like 'Sand' make you giggle and think of your crazy friend. When your amazing cousin calls from England just to say. Not studying. Amazing friends that dont quite realise how much they've touched you and probably never will. Those "you had to be there" moments, no matter how ridiculous they seem afterwards. Singing with Becky and Christie and Caela. People who are brown house inclined. Lipstick. Woolworths chocolate chunk cookies. Subway cookies. Lemon cordial. Knowing that the people you miss will be back in no time. Memories, even the ones that make you cry. The sense that summer is on its way. Writing songs. Music. The most amazing friends that sit in your car even though you tell them you're fine and won't leave until you pour your very troubled heart out to them, then proceed to wipe your tears and tell you that its going to be okay, and that they'll both be there to talk whenever. Choir. Being nice to people with bad attitudes. Sweet teachers. Bedtime. Sweet dreams. Westlife. The Collins family. Faithfest memories. Parachute music festival. Being onstage. The stars. Gravity-John mayer, and the far away dream that oneday you'll slowdance to that song with the boy of your dreams on a dewy street. Deep and meaningful talks with people you hardly know. Christmas smells. My weird phase in primary school. The fact that I used to breed mice. Oh and probably all the ridiculously good looking boys that Kelsey magically finds. Dancing in underwear in graces room. Bidding when I have hardly no money but just wanting to beat the other person. Sunrises.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tommorow is always a new day. I like that.